Earth's sun is about to enter a Maunder Minimum period of unusual intensity - possibly on par with the one that held sway during the Little Ice Age's final cold period in the late 19th century. To protect humanity and all the green things we grow to eat, we better dust off and fire up every coal-powered power plant we can find. The atmospheeric warming caused by "excess" CO2 will be needed to prevent a possible large-scale disaster.
Earth's sun is about to enter a Maunder Minimum period of unusual intensity - possibly on par with the one that held sway during the Little Ice Age's final cold period in the late 19th century. To protect humanity and all the green things we grow to eat, we better dust off and fire up every coal-powered power plant we can find. The atmospheeric warming caused by "excess" CO2 will be needed to prevent a possible large-scale disaster.